Monday, January 27, 2014


Being an entrepreneur usually helps if you have some sort of job idea. Its hard to start a job without having an idea.

The first idea is for an automated storage and retrieval system for a warehouse/distribution center. This idea is a series of robots that are in aisles and can store and retrieve cases as needed. Unlike most of the other competitors out there this idea would be able to handle a range of boxes and not just a specific size, or a proprietary container.

The second idea would be for a company that would build quad-copters. Now while there is nothing all that special about quad-copters in general, we could sell it either as a pre-built kit, or a diy part kit. One of the main sticking points would be the software that is accompanied with it, and the boards on it. It would be able to track and follow a "bug" that you can where so that it can follow you. If you attach a camera underneath it would be able to film you. Think mountain biking, where at the start of a run, you can just turn on the quad-copter and it would follow and film you, giving you a very good filming perspective.

The third idea would be a website / app where you can put in the info about your computer and storing the information about it. The benefit of this would be you wouldn't need to remember every piece of info about your computer, and if you wanted to upgrade you wouldn't need to remember a tiny detail, such as what socket you motherboard has for its cpu, or how many slots of RAM you can have, and have much it can support, allowing easy access to the info you need when you need it.

At the end of the day, any way to make money is a good way. (As long as im the one making it that is!)

Friday, January 24, 2014

Guest Speakers

Today we had Eric Hanburg come talk to us about his expirence being an entrepreneur. He walked us through his business life and talked about the ups and the downs that he had.

An interesting part of his talk was how his company is just him and his wife. Since it is just the two of them it is really easy to be able to change direction and to make a decision because since it is just them. If the company is much bigger, bigger changes are a lot harder when you have more people.

The coolest part of the presentation was the three questions that he asks when deciding to take on a job  or not. Do you want to do the job? Does it pay well? (or at least enough) And will it help your career? These 3 questions are what they ask themselves when they are taking a job. This seems like a really good set of questions.

He was mentioned some of the books that he wrote. He wrote a mystery series and a science fiction series, along with he how to books. I just might have to go and see about 1 of these books as they sounded interesting, plus i have meet the author, which makes me a little more interested in reading them.

One questions I did not think to ask until it was too late was, if he had the opportunity to go back and start this all over again, would he do it? And what would he do differently this time if anything? Of course I think of good questions after the fact.

Monday, January 20, 2014

There is nothing like watching a movie where 2 people had it all then proceeded to lose in it just a short amount of time. No, im not talking about somebody in Vegas, it was the movie. Chronicling the rise of a company in the .com era. The two founders went through some hard times when trying to start the company and even after they had it going.

One of the things that I found most interesting was when the two (well three founders but they never really covered him in the movie until he wanted money) were trying to raise funding. Quite a few of the investors didn't want to give them money because they were on the East coast and not on the west coast. That would be tough when the only reason they wont give you money is when you are located in the wrong place. (Especially for an internet company).

The ending was a little disappointing as the remaining two founders had a falling out. One of them decieded to go ahead and get out of the company and wanted to get paid off. He ended up getting fired by the remaining founder. And not too long after that he lost the company.

It was a very interesting look into the rise and fall of the company. You did feel bad when everything went south for them. While a good watch I dont know that i would seek out the movie to watch it again. 

Monday, January 13, 2014

Money or Expectations for the class

Taking a business class about how to start your own business, one expectation is that I would be able to leave the class and be able to make lots of money. Cause isn't that the American dream? Making money, preferably while doing nothing. 

While making money is always good and usually the main goal of a business, I guess that is not exactly the main goal of the class. So instead I need to find ways to help me earn more money. One of those ways would be in insight into how you actually go about starting a business. Myself having an idea for a product and needing to make a company to sell it, gaining some insight into how you can setup the company so failure is guaranteed. Or at least putting yourself in the best position to not fail.

Another way to go about making money, is what type of people you should be around, and have around your business. Should you take this challenge on alone? Take on an investor that has knowledge of what you are doing or just wander aimlessly until you happen upon some money. 

Another step in my plan for world domination, i mean expectations would be how exactly do you go about connecting with people to help you out. By this, i have heard of incubators for business, what exactly are those and how would they help me? And more importantly are they going to keep me warm?