Friday, January 24, 2014

Guest Speakers

Today we had Eric Hanburg come talk to us about his expirence being an entrepreneur. He walked us through his business life and talked about the ups and the downs that he had.

An interesting part of his talk was how his company is just him and his wife. Since it is just the two of them it is really easy to be able to change direction and to make a decision because since it is just them. If the company is much bigger, bigger changes are a lot harder when you have more people.

The coolest part of the presentation was the three questions that he asks when deciding to take on a job  or not. Do you want to do the job? Does it pay well? (or at least enough) And will it help your career? These 3 questions are what they ask themselves when they are taking a job. This seems like a really good set of questions.

He was mentioned some of the books that he wrote. He wrote a mystery series and a science fiction series, along with he how to books. I just might have to go and see about 1 of these books as they sounded interesting, plus i have meet the author, which makes me a little more interested in reading them.

One questions I did not think to ask until it was too late was, if he had the opportunity to go back and start this all over again, would he do it? And what would he do differently this time if anything? Of course I think of good questions after the fact.

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